MicroED <span>Service</span>


Accelerate structure determination of nanocrystals
Explore the frontier of molecular structure and function with Microcrystal Electron Diffraction (MicroED) technology. This cutting-edge technique reveals the 3D structures of nanoscale crystals, serving as a disruptive tool in fields such as chemistry, synthesis, biology, and more.
MicroED employs electron beams to generate crystal diffraction patterns, enabling precise determination of crystal structures. Due to the superior electron-matter interaction compared to X-rays, MicroED achieves high-resolution results with nanocrystals, minimizing sample requirements.
Pioneered by the ReadCrystal team, stemming from Stockholm University's MicroED technology developers, we proudly present the world's first commercial MicroED platform. Our innovation features advanced technology enhancements and proprietary software for rapid and accurate 3D structure determination, even for challenging samples with limited crystal size and purity.
Confirmation of small molecule structures
In the preclinical research phase of drug development, it's essential to confirm the structure of a compound. For microcrystalline particles whose structures cannot be resolved using single-crystal X-ray crystallography, MicroED technology is an excellent alternative. In the field of pharmaceutical small molecules, MicroED offers:

Structure Determination of Powder Drug

Structure Determination of Co-crystal Drug

Absolute Configuration Confirmation

Analyzing the molecular structure of materials
Cultivating large single crystals for advanced materials is challenging. However, MicroED technology offers a breakthrough by enabling the analysis of nanocrystal structures as small as 100 nm. This significantly reduces the difficulty and time required for crystal cultivation. MicroED is frequently used in material-related fields for analysis:

Framework materials, such as MOFs, COFs, HOFs, Zeolites, etc.

Battery materials, such as LCO, etc.

Other microcrystalline materials

Structure determined by ReadCrystal
  • 300+
    Drug Molecules
  • 150+
    Frame Materials
  • 100+
    Battery Materials
  • 50+
    Other Materials
  • Micro-sized crystals

    Required crystal size: >50μm

  • High sample consumption

    Required samples: >200mg

  • High sample purity requirements

    Testing must be conducted using pure-phase samples

  • Absolute configuration

    Resolving the absolute configuration of chiral compounds through the principle of anomalous dispersion

  • Nano-sized crystals

    Resolution achievable with samples of crystals as small as 100nm; Applicable to nanocrystals/powder crystals/needle-shaped crystals

  • Low sample consumption

    Minimal consumption of sample (as low as 2mg)

  • Low sample purity requirements

    For mixed-phase samples, the independent structures of all pure phases are directly resolved.

  • Absolute configuration

    Confirming the absolute configuration of chiral compounds through dynamic refinement

Deliver structure within one week
  • Sample Preparation
  • Sample Test
  • Electron Diffraction Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
Case Studies